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Incorrect Username
Please input your Password.
please input correct Password.
or account is not active
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Please choose an Username
Username too short (2 characters min).
Username too long (16 characters max).
Username incorrect (please use only alphanumeric characters).
Username taken. Please choose other.
Please choose a Password
By security reasons, please activate JavaScript in your browser
Password do not match
Please Retype your Password
Password and Confirmed password must be identical
Please input Given Name (between 3 and 50 characters).
Please input Surname (between 3 and 50 characters).
Please input Email Address
Choosen email address is not properly formatted. Please use real email addresses like user@domain.com.
Email address already taken. Please use other email address.
Either your email is not valid, domain doesn't exists or there is no mail server available for that email.
Provided email domain rejected the email address.
No response from email server on domain provided for your email address.
Can not connect to the e-mail server for your email address.
Sorry, that email address now allowed. Please change it.
Please input your phone number (digits and spaces).
Please input Aviation Reference Number.
Please input your Birth Date (DD/MM/YYYY).
Please input your Address (between 10 and 100 characters).
Database error occured when trying to create account.
Error occured when trying to send activation email.
Changed password.
Your account has been created successful.
Please read your email to activate your account.